
2017 - 2021 Vilnius Academy of arts, Kaunas Faculty, Bachelor of painting.

2008 - 2012 Jonava Janina Miščiukaitė Art School

group exhibitions:

2024 „ZABOLIS ART PRIZE 2024“ finalist, VDA "Titanikas", Vilnius.

2024 "Galvos, kaukės, maskaronai", Energy and Technology Museum, Vilnius.

2023 15th Young Painter Prize finalist, Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius.

2022 Alytus biennale "Meno matas 2022. Stebėsenos", Alytus Cultural Centre, Alytus.

2022 “pARTy’’, Tempo Space, Kaunas, Kaunas2022.

2022 “Kita energija”, Energy and Technology Museum, Vilnius.

2022 “Moterims karo metu”, Ardor11 gallery, Vilnius.

2021 VDA Kaunas faculty, Painting BA and MA degrees showcase, Jonava Cultural Centre, Jonava,

2021 „Laimės diena”, performances , „Meno parkas” gallery, Kaunas,

2020 Jonava district artists' exhibition, Jonava Cultural Centre, Jonava,

2020 „Poligonas’’, Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations, Kaunas,

2020 ”Figūra 2020. Piešinys / Kūrinys”, “Arka” gallery, Vilnius,

2019 “Kintantis peizažas”, Nida art colony, Nida,

2018 “Tapybos gentys” ,Vilnius Academy of arts, Kaunas Faculty,

solo shows:

2021 „Šviežios sultys mano apatiniuose“, IRGI gallery, “Įvaizdžio ir stiliaus” loft, Kaunas.

2021 „Šviežios sultys mano apatiniuose“, virtual IRGI gallery.


2023 "miesto sodų pleneras" participant, VIII fort, Kaunas.

2022 part of the „Kultūrtonas“ event: open my studio, Kaunas 2022.

2022 “pARTy” group exhibition curator, Tempo Space, Kaunas, Kaunas 2022.

2022Art Fair to support Ukrainians, participant, VDA, Kaunas.

2022 “CulturEUkraine” openining participant, Kaunas 2022, Central Post Office.

2022 Gertrūda Šuminaitė exhibition pop up participant, Naktinis Vilniaus avilys.

2021 Gertrūda Šuminaitė exhibition pop up participant, Gangsy Gang studio, Kaunas.

2021“10sek” JCDecaux Lithuania project participant, a short animated film displayed in the digital Vilnius outdoor advertising displays, Vilnius.

2020 International project ''The Baltic Wild Walls" participant, Klaipėda,

full name Gintarė Konderauskaitė

age 26 (1998)

based in Lithuania, Kaunas (studio visits available upon request)

call me a contemporary artist, interdisciplinary or just a painter

love lowercase letters and fresh orange juice

and what about my art??

i am an artist known for creating vibrant and energetic works that reflect my personal experiences, translated into visual form. my art is expressive and emotionally charged, blending elements of figurative art with abstraction. there is a strong focus on human figures, often depicted in a stylized, almost childlike manner with exaggerated proportions and bold outlines. these figures are nude, not to evoke eroticism, but to serve as a reminder of human nature and passion — representing a deep inner desire, creative force, and emotional intensity. this is less about physical desire and more about a strong attraction to authentic self-expression, intuition, and the ability to feel the world with one's entire being.

the use of bright colors suggests an embrace of joy and vitality, while the inclusion of text and symbolic imagery indicates my interest in storytelling and conveying deeper messages. in addition to these elements, my work often includes symbolic imagery that carries significant meaning, evoking specific periods, traditions, or capturing particular moments. the symbolism in my art is essential, adding depth and purpose, and enriching the narrative with layers of interpretation. the portrayal of figures in reflective or intimate poses explores themes such as emotional complexity, identity, and the human condition. my art feels personal, as if i am using my work to process and express my own experiences or observations about life.

nature plays a significant role in my work, often serving as a backdrop or integral part of the composition. this connection to nature emphasizes themes of harmony, balance, and the cyclical nature of life, creating a dialogue between humanity and the environment. the rawness and immediacy of my technique—visible brushstrokes, unfinished edges, and a mix of mediums—add a sense of spontaneity and honesty to the pieces. this approach gives the impression that i value the process of creation as much as the finished product and that i am willing to let the viewer into my creative journey, flaws and all.


Lamų slėnis, 2023 Kaunastic, spring

Lamų slėnis, 2022 winter

Grupės menininkų paroda „Kita energija“ Energetikos ir technikos muziejuje


15th Young Painter Prize


2024 "Zabolis art prize for courage“ , VDA "Titanikas", Vilnius.

2020 "Austrių geldelės" competition, first place winner at Vilnius Academy of arts, Kaunas Faculty.
