"to die. get up. eat cake. bask in the sun", 150 x 150 cm, mixed media on canvas, rabbit fur, 2023.

"stuffed human",  old chair, paint, 2023

It’s heavy, this weight not just on my shoulders but inside as well. life police siren is blinking since a long time ago. new little shoes, weird blood test, laser hair removal. standards are pulling me down. i’m just letting them go because i really want to pee! naked, real. finally freed from the inner prison!!

this painting performance video created by me and Gertrūda Šumainaitė.

"I finally accepted my inner self", 160 x 150 cm, oil on canvas, goat fur, 2023

i always fed myself from my inner spirit who resembles an animal. maybe it's uncomfortable and little scary. it's easy to get used to an artificially elegant role and to only reveal the true form when one's all alone.

"i just want to eat mushrooms in my garden", 180 x 160 cm, mixed media on canvas, metal, recycled plastic, 2023

"prison photoshoot", mixed media on canvas, fake fur, 42 x 52 cm, 2023